Deepening Through Ritual

Hello Beautiful Soul – 

How are you feeling? 
This is an often question I’ve been contemplating with my myself, as well as clients and friends (especially lately).  With EVERYTHING going on in the world today, a genuine internal self-check is critical.  An added layer of sensation has accumulated on top of the pandemic; so many shifts taking place and so much heightened emotion.  I “see” the fear, rage, hopelessness and pain of so many but I also “see” the fearlessness, strength, hope and love at the same time.  I often speak about reflecting inward and then find myself retreating more and more; disconnecting with the outside world and connecting with what speaks to my soul (mostly through the practice of rituals).
Rituals can be incredibly powerful, but also comforting at the same time.  They help balance our emotions and keep us steadfast on our chosen path.  Sitting on my back patio, while sipping coffee and studying the birds and trees, is an early morning ritual that fills my heart with gratitude for Mother Earth.  Annual camping trips draw me closer to family and fill my heart with joy.  I’ve lengthened my personal daily meditations and focused more time on self-care Sundays, as well as monthly Full & New Moon rituals.  These rituals are meaningful practices and internally motivating.  A simple daily routine, such as waking up, can be easily converted into a heartfelt practice by stating 3 things you are grateful for before getting out of bed.  We need rituals to help guide us and give our lives a rhythm to dance to.  They help elevate our lives and deepen our purpose.  Lately, I find myself focusing deeply on rituals because they lead me to a place of comfort, presence and pure love.  
During my last camping trip, I was able to practice my Full Moon ritual in a river underneath the stars.  The entire ceremony was incredibly powerful, and the practice of release has made room for greater things to manifest in my life.   
Below, I’ve outlined a few things I like to do for my full moon rituals.  They are beautiful ways to simply disconnect from the busy world and focus back on nature, the universe and YOU.  
Before you begin, enter into rituals with a clear mind and an open heart.  If you feel negative thoughts arising, simply place your feet on the earth.  Take 3 deep inhales and exhales while imagining yourself letting go of feelings/emotions that no longer serve you and focus only on the exact moment and your breath. 
Begin by clearing your space.  For example, I light sage and smudge myself and the area with a mantra before performing a ritual.  Your mantra can go something like this:  “I release any low vibration energy and cleanse this sacred space.  Thank you for this beautiful medicine that is a gift from our sacred earth.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!”  
Open your space: You can utilize crystals, sage, candles, drum, bells, Reiki, guides, etc. – whatever your intuition is calling.  If inside, I begin by lighting a candle, then either drum or use chimes to invoke my guides and helpers.  I set up my crystals and other spirt tools, which call to be in sacred space with me.  
Set your intention:   If you haven’t done so, spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to release and what you want to call in. Full moons are about releasing what doesn’t serve (old habits, self-limiting beliefs, fears and anxiety).  I always write down what I want to release on one piece of paper and on a separate one, write what I want to show up in the next month.  You can release what doesn’t serve you by either burning that piece of paper in a fire, releasing it in water or burying it under the ground (allowing Mother Earth to recycle that energy). Lastly, place what you wrote down for calling somewhere nearby so you can look at it, reflect upon it and bring it into manifestation.  And always remember to listen to your intuition for guidance! 
Sending much love and blessings, 

Dena Totaro