Just For Now

Just for now
without asking how,
let yourself sink into stillness.

Just for now,
lay down the weight you so patiently bear upon your shoulders.
Feel the earth receive you, and the infinite expanse of the sky grow even wider as your awareness reaches up to meet it.

Just for now,
allow the wave of breath to enliven your experience.
Breathe out whatever blocks you from the truth.

Just for now,
Be boundless, free, with awakened energy tingling in your hands and feet.
Drink in the possibility of being who and what you really are-
so fully alive that the world looks different, newly born and vibrant,
Just for now...
-Dana Faulds

Hello Beautiful Soul – 
I wanted to share the poem above which I read on Earth Day during shavasana in a Deep Stretch yoga class I taught.  I find that this poem resonates fully during this time.  Giving yourself the gift of Mother Earth and allowing yourself the space to melt in her arms can have profound shifts in one’s energy.  I understand this can be trying times for many and coupled with other life challenges, wouldn’t it be wonderful to walk outside and get lost in the stillness of our beautiful earth and let her lift the weight off your shoulders?     
When we connect with the earth, what we often hear as “getting grounded” is the act of allowing our spirit to be nurtured by Mother Earth.  The trees, flowers, rocks, streams.. all the incredible living, breathing energies majestically supporting all of the life on this planet.  When we are disconnected from her we feel scattered, weak, easily pushed around by life and cut off from support.  By raising our sensitivity to and being conscious of her, our life calms down and our basic sense of security kicks in.  
It’s as simple as sitting under a tree and feeling your back against her trunk and her roots underneath you.  Or standing barefoot in the grass and feeling the coolness of the earth supporting your feet.  The beautiful colors of the Spring flowers and the sounds of the chirping birds flying over head.   Breathing in and feeling all of her energies can help you feel supported, free, awaken your energy and help your feel fully alive where the world looks different, newly born and vibrant.  
So, just for now, without asking how, find the time to tap into Mother Earth’s spirit and let her nurture you.  

Sending much love and light,

Dena Totaro