Grounding Into 2021

Hello you beautiful soul -

Happy New Year!

Every year after Christmas and moving into the new year, my husband and I take a camping trip off the grid to unplug. As soon as we drive up to our campsite my nervous system starts to unwind. We use this time to completely relax, reflect on the past year with gratitude, plant the seed of intention for the new year and connect with the stillness of the earth. Nature becomes my healing place where I find myself deeper in creativity and longing for the quiet and a more peaceful existence. We always leave feeling completely rejuvenated and incredibly grounded.

As a human being living on earth, it is important to learn to ground yourself in relationship to our Mother Earth. Grounding ourselves is a way of bringing ourselves literally back to earth, back into our bodies, back to our foundation.

Once of the easiest ways to ground ourselves is to bring our attention to our breath as it enters and leaves our bodies. After several minutes, we can find that we feel much more connected to our physical selves. Our mind is less noisy and our bodies less tense. You can even begin to visualize while you are breathing, roots branching out from the soles of your feet. Taking a deep breath in, pause, and exhale out all the stresses of the day, the fears, anxieties and other emotions that seem to uproot us out of our bodies. Connecting deeper and anchoring in, you begin to form a sacred union with the earth, feeling stronger, safe and more secure. Imagine the impact of just a few minutes a day this breathing exercise can have on your body, mind and spirit.

As I set my intention for this new year, I commit to putting my body first. In my morning breath-work and meditation practice, I will ask the question: “How can I best take care of you?” This seems like an accessible entry point that will allow me the space to listen, honor my body’s wishes and ground into our sacred earth.

Will you join me in this quest?

I am excited to offer free Zoom classes, each month, covering our 7 main chakras. The first one will be, of course, on the Root Chakra (find below). We will explore deeper identifying blocks and how to shift the energy, which foods, affirmations, crystals, breath work and yoga poses which will help strengthen and balance the energy center. My Instagram pages (the_crystal_medium & dena_totaro) will also cover daily posts and tips for grounding in the entire month of January.

I look forward to sharing more of this journey as it unfolds and I encourage you to join me in the practice of honoring your body and your roots this year.

With much love and gratitude,


Dena Totaro