Healing And Balance

 Hello you Beautiful Soul -

Last week, I had a great workshop called Window to Natural and Energy Healing Therapies.  Out of curiosity, people signed up to listen to me and 4 other Energy Healing Practitioners talk about how they help people’s bodies heal themselves through movement of energy.  Yes, you heard me say this clearly – the body has a natural ability to heal itself.   
I can speak from firsthand experience that this statement is true.  I live it.  I’m passionate about it because I experienced it.  Over 10 years ago, I found myself physically sick, emotionally drained, with an infant and small toddler, going through a divorce.  I spent a year going from doctor to doctor trying to find out why I was feeling so ill.  One doctor sent me to get a CT scan that found inflammation in my duodenum and that doctor sent me for endoscopy who found nothing wrong.  Doctor after doctor with diagnosis of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, “it’s all in your head”, or “nothing is wrong”. Until I found a holistic MD who listened to me and did the proper testing (my 1stvisit lasted 4 hours).  I had Lyme disease, several autoimmune disorders, bacterial infections, staph infections, liver enzymes high, inflammation throughout my entire body, and leaky gut among other things.  You could say my immune system was rock bottom, but I had answers. The one thing I had deep at my core was Faith and two small children who depended on me.  It was then that I began to heal.  I decided that Western medicine had failed me and so I was going to go the holistic route.  Don’t get me wrong – I still believe in Western medicine, but I believe in a balance that uses a combination of natural, holistic first and then complements it with Western second. 
I began to take baby steps. I had to.  I began to use food as medicine to heal my physical body.  I began a super clean, no sugar diet, consisting of organic raw and cooked veggies, pastured organic meat, fermented vegetables, supplements and healing bone broth and teas.   I also started to meditate every day for at least 45 minutes.  I had never meditated before.  I just sat and began to breath deeply, and that’s where the magic happened.  Releasing and working through stress, anger, resentment, heart-ache and past traumas. I began to do energy work on myself, which happened very intuitively.  My spirit was alive, I felt hopeful and was healing.  From there the asana (yoga poses) came into my healing.  At first it was gentle (which is all I could do at first), which later led to having the physical energy to incorporate downward facing dog and then a flow. This was not an easy journey but it brought such a heightened level of awareness and mind, body and soul healing. I’ve been Lyme Disease-free for over 5 years and do not have any autoimmune disorders.  I never used medicine, just supplements.  I’ve never been happier and healthier.  And I continue to work on myself every, single day.
If I can heal my body through food, breath work, mediation & yoga and clearing & balancing my energy field then others can, too.  If I can share my passion or knowledge and help others heal and thrive, then I must.  It’s what my heart is calling, so I must.  Through my journey, I earned a Yoga certification through Yoga Alliance, several healing certifications, including Reiki Master and Crystal healing, and I combine all of that into my sessions with my natural intuition and degree in Psychology.  
Each session includes, crystal healing, Reiki energy, breath work, intuitive insight and coaching. Here are some testimonies from current clients:
“I have had anxiety from childhood.  I didn’t have any energy healing experience before I met Dena, but a close friend referred me to her because I was afraid of everything.  Every time I go see Dena her gentle voice and energy automatically relaxes me.  I have been able to work through many of my fears and live life more fully.  Dena knows exactly what I need every time I go in to see her.”  -JT
“Dena has helped me work through some really heavy stuff!  I have learned to let go of feelings of anger and learn to forgive which I never thought I could.”  -BV
“I am in a state of deep relaxation in my sessions with Dena.  I did not know that my chronic back pain could be related to the stress I was going through.”  -YS
“My heart was shut off before I started seeing Dena for Energy Healing.  I have been able to work through past traumas with my sessions.  Dena can see exactly what age my trauma was and help me heal my young self.  She is a gentle intuitive healer.  I feel hopeful and a sense of peace which I never felt before.”  -NS

If you are experiencing physical pain, emotions of anxiety, fear, resentment or feel "stuck", let me help you.  EMAILme to set up a free 15-minute assessment, or to book an Energy Healing Session.
Not sure about trying a Healing Session but would like to try a class?   Please check out my Fall Detox Yoga Series which incorporates yoga, meditation, breath work, crystals and Reiki in each class.  

5-minute Mediation: 
To clear the mind and help release any tension in the head

Sit evenly/upright in a chair (on your sit bones).  Elongate your spine, resting your arms comfortably by your sides (or on your thighs), palms facing up and feet touching the earth beneath you.   Begin with three cleansing breaths: inhale through the nose, open your mouth and exhale.  Then begin breathing in and out through your nose, with an even inhale and exhale.  Bring awareness to your breath and how it moves through your body.  As you inhale, start at your lower abdomen, feeling the rise, then your ribs expand and then your breath filling up the space in your heart feeling your chest expand, shoulders rise and breath pressing to crown of your head.  As you exhale, start from the crown, then down your chest, then your lower ribs, then your lower abdomen, releasing. If you have any thoughts (mind chatter) that arise, acknowledge that your thought is coming but don’t get lost in the story – imagine it floating away like a cloud in the sky.  Do this for 5-6 breaths, following your breath with your mind’s eye, noticing any sensations as your breath moves through your body.  
Bring your awareness to your eyebrow center.  For several breaths, keep your awareness to that space, imagining a white, luminous light right outside your eyebrow center.  Notice the shape, texture, color, and/or sensation of the white light. On your next inhale, imagine the white light coming through your eyebrow center and to the back of your head.  As you exhale, allow the white light to move down your spine and into the earth where the earth receives any tension, stress your body and/or mind is holding.  Do this as many times as necessary: Inhale the white, luminous light into the back of your head and exhale down your spine and out the base of you spine into the earth. When you feel ready, take your time and open your eyes.  Take a few minutes to notice how you feel.  Try this everyday for 5-10 minutes or every time you are feeling stressed, have tension in your head, or simply have too much going on at the moment.  

Upcoming Events

4 Week Fall Detox Series Grey Owl Mind Body Studio Oct 19th - Nov 9th, 12pm-1:30pm    

Are you ready for a Fall Cleaning?

Join Dena, Transformational Healing Coach & Yoga Instructor, in this special 4 week Fall Detox Yoga series where she'll incorporate her knowledge of healthy food, yoga, breath-work, meditation and crystal energy healing as a multifaceted program for cleansing, clearing and detoxing.

Each week participants you'll focus on one major energy center and through alignment based asana (physical yoga practice), breath work and meditation. At the end of each class during the integration process of savasana, she'll help each participant further clear energetic imbalances through individualized crystal healing methods. After class, enjoy a fresh juice or smoothie prepared by Dena to continue aiding your body with the detox process.

Each class consists of an:

  • All Levels yoga flow, breath work, guided meditation

  • 15 minute group energy healing session during savasana

  • one-on-one consult with Dena after session

  • juice/smoothie sample

  • 25% discount on crystals

Week 1: Oct 19th:

This week we'll work on communication, strengthening your voice, speaking your truth and self expression.

Crystal: Kyanite (healing properties: promotes good communication, encourages self-expression and speaking one’s truth.)

Week 2: October 26th:

This week we'll work on opening and freeing the heart and letting go of feelings and emotions that do not serve us to filling up more love and compassion for ourselves and others.

Crystal: Rose Quartz (Associated with the energy of love, rose quartz is helps to attract love and helps calm and heal the heart.)

Week 3: November 2nd :

Igniting the power within! We will work on life purpose, self respect and clearing any self doubt and strengthening the core.

Crystal: Citrine (Citrine brings light to any situation and helps create your dreams into reality)

Week 4: November 9th:

Feeling unfocused, spacey or incapable of being still? We will focus on grounding and rooting ourselves, great class right before we enter into the holidays.

Crystal: Black tourmaline (black tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone, providing connection between earth and human spirit.)

Investment: $110 for 4 week program, $32/ single session drop in

5% Discount for Grey Owl Monthly Members

October 21st, 4pm-6pm  Bone Broth Demystified Grey Owl Mind Body Studio

If there is one healing food resource you should have in stock supply at all times, especially during this coming winter,it's bone broth. Bone broth has been the recent buzz in health magazines, among celebrities and stars, and has even made appearances in big-box stores like Costco. But do you really have a good understanding of what it is and why it's a super energy healing food that can transform your health?

Join bone broth guru, Dena Totaro, for an exploration into one of the oldest, simplest and most powerful food remedies that exist!

This fun and informative two-hour class will teach you:

  • The history of using bone broth as medicine (Your great-grandmother was a medicine woman!)

  • What exactly is in bone broth that makes it so great and why you can't get it from any other foods

  • The benefits of its healing powers

  • How it will keep your immune system healthy during cold and flu season

  • How it can help dramatically lessen symptoms and in some cases even completely HEAL many ailments and disorders including digestive, autoimmune and inflammatory, plus a lot more!

  • Why bone broth in a box from the grocery store is NOT the bone broth that heals you

  • Step-by-step demonstration on how to make your own bone broth (it's easier than you think!)

  • How to work with bones from different animals

  • Where to buy bones

  • How different spices enhance the taste of bone broth. Sampling from our bone broth bar provided!

What you will come away with:

  • Each participant will receive a 16 oz jar of Dena's super nutritious bone broth to enjoy at home

  • A ton of information on how you can use bone broth for YOUR own wellness

  • Knowledge on how to increase your chances of staying cold-and-flu free this winter by using bone broth (you'll miss less days of work and the kids will miss less days of school)!

  • Easy and simple ways to incorporate bone broth into you and your family's day

  • Dena's own personal recipes for healing broths, which she is sharing only with YOU!

  • Information on how to add proper seasonings to broths to suit your taste

Date/Time: Sunday, October 21st @ 4 PM - 6 PM

Invesment: $40

Early Bird: $35 before October 14th

Dena Totaro