During a channeled healing session, I co-create a sacred space with divine light. As a conduit, I open up pathways for energy to flow as I invite in the highest vibrational beings for healing, guidance, clarity and communication for the greatest and highest good for my client. Guides are of the highest frequencies and may include Archangels, Ascended Masters, your Spirit team, ancient well ancestors, your highest self and other light beings. This is a very expansive session and can work on bringing healing through different life-times, deep ancestral work and is multi-dimensional. Each channeled healing session is run intuitively and will include frequency transmissions/ light codes, spoken messages, affirmations, calmness, peace and overall healing and clarity.
What is the difference between regular Energy Healing Session & Channeled Healing Session?
A channeled healing session may feel more expansive as the healing comes in from highest frequencies / 5D realm. The healing session may also feel like you’re in a “trance” state. I will also be communicating / channeling during the healing session. This can be channeled what guides are coming through, what messages they are communicating, what healing and where in your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual body they are working on. They may have affirmations which come through that they want to land in the layers of your body. The channeled messages & healing are communicated in real time.