Finding Freedom in Forgiveness


Hello Beautiful Soul –                     

I’ve been there before, locked in the chains of anger, resentment, bitterness and hate.  For years, I held onto all those negative emotions, thinking it would protect me from the ones that hurt me.  I was wrong.  The more I held on to staying angry and resentful, the more I found myself smothered in the darkness and not being able to breathe.  “Why should I forgive someone that was supposed to protect and love me?”.  “It’s easier to hold onto the pain”, I kept telling myself over and over and over again.  I thought it would protect me.  I thought I would punish the other person and they would also suffer like me.  I thought if I locked my heart in a cage, I would not get hurt.  Again and again, I was wrong.  I wasn’t hurting anyone but myself.  It took many years to learn I couldn’t be free unless I let go.  And what is letting go but to forgive all the past hurts.  

Forgiveness is incredibly powerful.  Choosing to forgive is choosing to alleviate ourselves of that burden, to be free of the past and choosing not to perceive ourselves as a victim.  Forgiving is getting to a place where we stop identifying ourselves with the suffering we experienced.  Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves - a readiness to let go of the pain.  Once you learn to forgive, your energy will change.  You will be lighter and feel more at peace.  Your vibration will rise higher and leave behind the heaviness of the past.  Your heart will be free and you will naturally find compassion for those who have hurt us, enhancing our life to richer and fuller depths. 

Every day, I help my clients learn how to forgive.  Through each session, I help identify the emotion or the trauma that is causing pain and slowly, through visualization, energy release, crystal healing and other tools, I help each client peel back the layers, let go and be free.  It truly is a gift to see the transformation and shift in their hearts.  

Find your freedom to forgive!  If you want to learn to forgive in a sacred space, let me help you.  I will not only help you let go, but give you the tools to help you release your emotions and be free.  Much love and light,


Dena Totaro